Trust the world’s leading
Anti-Counterfeiting Solution (ACS)
Anti-counterfeit solutions are designed to help brands authenticate their products. One of them is the Anti-counterfeit tags developed and promoted by Indotag. These are tiny microchips with antennas that are attached to the products. The tags emit a unique identification/serial number when activated by a reader device. With an Anti-counterfeit solution, you can identify, locate, and know the condition of your products, as they move through a complex supply chain and into your customer’s hands.
Unlike barcodes, QR codes, and hologram tags, ACS tags cannot be duplicated, which means if the label is removed from a product, it will stop transmitting, so you know that the product is not genuine.
Tracking and Inventory Control
We customize Anti-counterfeit solutions for a variety of prints, labels, packaging, and tags. Now keep an easy tab on your products with our enhanced location-verified & internet-connected Anti-counterfeit Solutions.
Cement | Lubricants | Paints | Luxury Goods | Consumer Goods | F&B Labels
Reward Redemption
Preventing fraudulent activities is an indispensable part of quality control and customer satisfaction. Our Anti-counterfeit solutions offer the rewards of experiencing the best of ‘loyalty’ perks. Now improve business relationships and reputation in an uncompromising way, best suited for the business and its customers.
Product Warranty and after-sales service | Solutions
Why Indotag?
A Partnership that inspires loyalty